Thursday, November 18, 2010


 One of the forms of the sun god (this combo of Re (Ra), Atum the creater God, and Khepri the scarab) represents Re in the early morning. That is a weird combination of people and Gods, wouldn't you say?

Ra's Family in Several Different Generations

The Egyptians believed that Ra's children were twins, a boy named Shu and a girl named Tefnut. Shu ruled over the air, holding up the sky and Tefnut helped him. I think it would be hard to hold up the sky even with 10 other helpers. Anyways, the strain of this task caused Tefnut to shed tears, providing the morning dew. Shu and Tefnut produced 2 children. The 2 were holding each other when they were born so Ra commanded Shu to separate them; Geb became the sky and Nut became the earth. Geb and Nut had 2 sons and 2 daughters. The most notable of these was the son Osiris, who educated the Egyptians in agriculture. He married his sister Isis, goddess of the home, and was murdered by their brother Set, who through Osiris's body into the Nile. Later Isis rescued Osiris with the help of Nephthys, Set's twin sister. I'm glad I'm not in their family because if I was I would be worried all the time about getting killed.

The Appearance of Ra

The Egyptians believed Ra had the body of a man and had a yellow sphere representing his head with a halo around the head. That would be creepy if you saw someone with a yellow head with a halo around it. Don't you think?

Ra During the Dark Hours

The Egyptians believed Ra went into the dark hours every night. They believed Ra became lord of the netherworld, where he made his nightly journey in his solar boat. Wouldn't you have to be Santa Claus to pull something off like that?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Daily Life of Ra

The Egyptians believed that Ra was the sun god. They believed he was born every day in the East, blazed in the midday sky, and dies rosily into the West. The Egyptians believed he got older throughout the day. If that is true he must get tired of dying every day and having such a short life.